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The Third Manifesto Forum

DatabasesLast post
Database TheoryDiscussion about database theory in general, unrelated to TTM.63 Topics · 1,606 PostsLast post: Relational Lattice Axiomatizations … · 1 year ago · AntC
MiscellaneousMiscellaneous database discussion unrelated to TTM.45 Topics · 566 PostsLast post: 3rdManifesto 8thDayofChristmas ide … · 3 weeks ago · dandl
The Third ManifestoLast post
TTM General discussionGeneral discussion about TTM and related subjects.77 Topics · 2,060 PostsLast post: Geometry: all circles are ellipses … · 5 months ago · Dave Voorhis
Tutorial DDiscussion about Tutorial D syntax, semantics, or implementations.26 Topics · 440 PostsLast post: Allow reserved identifiers as Attr … · 4 weeks ago · Dave Voorhis
Forum Meta-DiscussionLast post
Forum AdministrationForum administrative notices appear here.9 Topics · 40 PostsLast post: Temporary domain name change. · 4 years ago · Hugh
Forum Use and SupportQuestions and answers about use of the forum, comments and suggestions...19 Topics · 122 PostsLast post: Uploading a picture · 2 years ago · dandl